
Thrift stores, coffee beans, and ethically-sourced goods: how conscious consumerism can help us grow in charity

I have the most distinct memory of walking home from a local thrift store about a year ago, carrying a beautiful, large antique basket under my arm to decorate the new apartment my husband and I had just moved into. The woman at the check out had agreed with me that it was a “good […]


Why the dark origins of cancel culture are more relevant now than ever

In one of his comedy sketches, comedian, author, and producer Jim Gaffigan shares his secret desire to be a film director, but in daily life. With this special power, he explains, you could simply yell “AAAAND cut!” to silence someone if you didn’t feel like engaging in conversation.  Incidentally, this vision is starting to become […]


Clutter affects men and women differently—here’s why

When I first began pursuing minimalism about a year and a half ago, I distinctly remember a time when I had returned from the grocery store to a solid surprise. I’d only been out less than an hour while my husband watched our two daughters, but upon walking through the door, it appeared that the […]


When God’s love looks like a full crockpot

A few years ago, we found out we were expecting our fifth child. A month later, we learned it was twins, and a month after that we learned that one of them most likely had Down syndrome. We knew that God had plans for this pregnancy, but it was a lot to take in. I […]

Our Everyday Mamas

How love gave me courage

“How did you navigate being nervous about labor? I am really starting to feel worries creep in…it’s so intense!” This text popped up on my phone from a friend of mine who was expecting her first child.  A few months prior, I confronted the very same thoughts and emotions as I anxiously awaited the arrival […]

Things We Love

34 great throw pillows to cozy it up (+ some blankets too)

As we head out of summer and into fall (and winter), it’s looking like a lot of us are going to be spending quite a bit of time at home. But as we head into those crisp cold days, we want you to feel relaxed and at peace in your home, and sometimes a few […]


Uncovering a Celiac Diagnosis: Trusting Motherly Intuition

Noah had been exhibiting worrisome symptoms for a year and a half prior to his diagnosis.  He wouldn’t gain weight for months at a time, he had stomach pain with constipation, vomiting, pale complexion, extreme temper tantrums, and delayed speech. I knew something was wrong, so I brought him to countless doctors appointments where I […]


Lessons about abundance, scarcity, and the strength of God’s love

My husband and I locked eyes at the dinner table. Wide-eyed and stone faced, our forks frozen in mid-air as our children began screeching yet another nonsensical song about spaghetti squash. Just as I moved to quiet them, our two-year-old daughter broke into a solo, reaching a record-breaking crescendo that rivaled the likes of Idina […]

Everyday Homes

Why we host home tours, and what they can teach us about beauty in the home

It didn’t take long after the social distancing protocols were enacted for our mama hearts to ache over the situational impossibility of filling our homes with friends and family. We all missed hosting playdates and book clubs and throwing open our doors for last minute dinner parties.  So, we got to thinking. If we couldn’t […]


How we can help our families grow in charity this year

The other day, I was shopping out at our local grocery store. As I was picking out produce, six feet apart from other shoppers and slightly sweaty behind my mask, a t-shirt hanging off to the side caught my eye.  “I’m sorry for what I said during quarantine,” it read. I chuckled, feeling a little […]


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