From home design to motherhood and relationships, here we share articles written by us + our guest writers.


Truly, this little “makeover” will take 5 minutes. Maybe even less. I was at my parent’s house last summer, admiring their (what I perceived to be) gorgeous white stone statue of the Blessed Mother. I asked my mom where she got it, and she said they painted it. How this thought had never occurred to […]

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Things We Love

DIY stone Blessed Mother: 5 minute makeover

Truly, this little “makeover” will take 5 minutes. Maybe even less. I was at my parent’s house last summer, admiring their (what I perceived to be) gorgeous white stone statue of the Blessed Mother. I asked my mom where she got it, and she said they painted it. How this thought had never occurred to […]

Things We Love

Making space for prayer: how one mom of 6 designed a home oratory

One evening, just a few weeks ago, my husband was deeply inspired to create a family oratoryand informed me that he had ordered a bronze, Benedictine altar crucifix, an incense boat with a supply of frankincense, an icon for each of our children’s namesakes (baby #7 is on the way), and was on the hunt […]


When God’s love looks like a full crockpot

A few years ago, we found out we were expecting our fifth child. A month later, we learned it was twins, and a month after that we learned that one of them most likely had Down syndrome. We knew that God had plans for this pregnancy, but it was a lot to take in. I […]


What makes a house a home?

“Hitherto the Herb of Grace had been to them a summer home; they had known it only permeated with sun and light, flower-scented, windows and doors open wide. But now doors were shut, curtains drawn to hide the sad, grey dusk. Instead of the lap of the water against the river wall they heard the […]


Former Next Top Model Leah Darrow talks motherhood, body image, and raising confident daughters

Leah Darrow, wife and mother of four, is a former model and contestant on America’s Next Top Model. Leah left the modeling industry when she was 25, after going through a life-changing experience that led her back to her faith. Leah has a driving passion to inspire women to do something beautiful with their lives […]


Qualifying for the Boston Marathon Eight Months Postpartum

Everyone has a method for dealing with stress, and running is mine. If I feel on edge, I go for a run. If I’m frustrated or confused about how to work through conflict, I go for a run. If I’m overwhelmed and don’t have the words to articulate why I feel the way I do, […]


How To Work Prayer Into Your Day As A Busy Mom

Y’all, motherhood is hard. And chances are, we all find ourselves in need of some refreshment and renewal throughout the day. We are human, after all! Which is why prayer is the best thing we can do for our families. It gives us a few moments with our Creator, allowing Him to remind us that […]


Why I (Almost) Always Stop and Let People Talk To My Baby

We’ve all heard the rants of nervous mothers, upset that a stranger reached out and booped their baby on the nose. As a mom of three, I totally get it! It is important to be the voice for your baby, to set boundaries and be there to enforce them. I start talking to my kids […]


Called to Trust: Our Journey Raising Children with Feeding Disorders

Our twins, Gianna and Chiara, shouldn’t be here, according to medical professionals. At twenty weeks gestation, it was discovered that the twins had Selective Intrauterine Growth Restriction. This meant that the placenta they shared was unevenly divided (though it was unclear how unevenly at the time) and one twin, Chiara, was receiving only a fraction […]


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